How IT thinks - - -
And it thinks like this - - -
New Mexico Governor, 7 term U.S. Congressman, & Bill Clinton's Ambassador to the U.N. Bill Richardson supports another Clinton U.N. honcho, Madeline 'Mad' Albright, specifically agreeing that the deaths of 500,000 children in pursuit of U.S. foreign policy was correct. "Well, I believe our policy was correct. Yes." --NM Governor Bill Richardson interviewed by Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW! Sep. 22, 2005< C:\USR\WP_DOCS\TROLLEY\BLOGS\UNCOMMON>
Labels: 5000000 dead kids, CAG, Democracy NOW!, Iraqi kids, Mad Albright, Madeline Albright, psychopath, Richardson, U.S. War Crimes, Uncle, Uncle Sam, Uncle Scam, War Crimes