Is this any way to treat a politician? #00001
Gentle reader, did you know that in April President Bush went to Stanford University to speak to the Hoover Institution fellows at the invitation of former Secretary of State George Shultz but was not allowed on campus? The Stanford students got wind of it and blocked Bush's access to the campus. ... I did not hear or read a word about it.
Did you? I learned of it from faculty friends in June when I attended Stanford's graduation to witness a relative receive her degree. The June 16 edition of The Stanford Daily reprints its April 24 report of the episode. -A Republic or an Empire?, By Paul Craig Roberts, Information Clearing House, 07/09/06
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, in town [Pittsburgh, Pa] for a fund-raiser for Sen. Rick Santorum, had a close encounter with a large group of anti-Republican protesters as he was making his way to the Duquesne Club, Downtown. ...
"Jeb, go home," they shouted. ...
"It was a very tense situation. They were very close to the governor and shouting on top of him." [said Port Authority spokesman Bob Grove]
As a precaution, the governor was ushered into a T-station supply closet and stayed there until the crowd left. -Jeb Bush gets rude welcome, Police disperse angry protesters in Downtown T-station, Saturday, October 07, 2006, By Ervin Dyer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette